JEM name
University of Valencia and Center for Research in Occupational Health (CISAL), University Pompeu Fabra
Contact person
Ana M García
References (citation)
- González Galarzo MC, Ronda-Pérez E, Benavides FG, et al. Factores sociodemográficos y laborales relacionados con la exposición laboral a riesgos psicosociales por ocupación en España [Sociodemographic and Occupational Factors Related to Exposure to Psychosocial Risk Factors by Occupation in Spain. The MatEmESp Project]. Proyecto MatEmESp. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor. 2019; 22 (3): 121-8.
- Ramoneda Paniagua A, van der Haar R. Actualización de los valores de exposición a polvo de madera incluidos en la matriz empleo-exposición MatEmESp a partir de datos procedentes de la base de datos WOODEX [Update the wood dust exposure values included in the job-exposure matrix MatEmESp by making use of the WOODEX database]. Arch Prev Riesgos Labor. 2016; 19 (1): 22-29. doi: 10.12961/aprl.2016.19.01.4.
- González-Galarzo MC. Construcción de una matriz empleo-exposición para población laboral española y descripción de las características de la exposición a riesgos ergonómicos y psicosociales y de las condiciones de empleo por ocupación (Proyecto MatEmESp) [doctoral dissertation]. University of Valencia; 2016.
- González-Galarzo MC, García AM, Gadea Merino R, et al. Exposición a carga física en el trabajo por ocupación: una explotación de los datos en Matriz Empleo-Exposición Española (MatEmESp) [Exposure to ergonomic risk by occupation in Spanish working: a data exploitation of MatEmESp]. Rev Esp Salud Pública. 2013; 87:601-14.
- García AM, González-Galarzo MC, Kauppinen T, et al. A Job-Exposure Matrix for Research and Surveillance of Occupational Health and Safety in Spanish Workers: MatEmESp. Am J Ind Med. 2013;56(10):1226-38.
References (weblinks)
- doi: 10.12961/aprl.2019.22.03.2.
- doi: 10.12961/aprl.2016.19.01.4.
- http://roderic.uv.es/handle/10550/50506.
- doi: 10.4321/S1135-57272013000600005.
- doi: 10.1002/ajim.22213.
Year JEM was developed
- Dusts and Fibres
- Solvents
- Pesticides
- Metals and Metal Oxides
- Physical Agents
- Ergonomics, Physical Workload, and Injury Related
- Psychosocial Domains
- Organisation of Work including Working Time
- Other (specify)
- Asbestos (any form of asbestos chrysotile, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, etc. or asbestos-containing material)
- Other (specify)
Fibres | Specify: Other
Man-made mineral fibers
Inorganic dusts
- Quartz (quartz or crystalline silica containing dusts)
Organic dusts
- Flour dust
- Wood dust (not specified)
Aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbon solvents
Aliphatic and alicyclic hydrocarbon solvents | Specify: Other
Aliphatic/alicyclic hydrocarbon solvents
Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents
Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents | Specify: Other
Aromatic hydrocarbon solvents; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; Benzo(a)pyrene
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents
- Methylene chloride
- Perchloroethylene
- Trichloroethanes
- Trichloroethylene
- Other (specify)
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents | Specify: Other
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents
Organic solvents, other than aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated
- Formaldehyde
- Other (specify)
Organic solvents, other than aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated | Specify: Other
Other organic solvents
Fungicides | Specify: Other
- 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T
- Atrazine
- Other (specify)
Herbicides | Specify: Other
Diquat; Diuron
- Chlorpyriphos
- Other (specify)
Insecticides | Specify: Other
Endosulfan; Methomyl; Pyrethrins
Choose Metals and Metals Oxides
- Arsenic all types
- Cadmium and all compounds
- Chromium (metallic chromium, Cr(iii), Cr(vi) and all compounds)
- Iron (metallic iron and all compounds)
- Lead and all compounds
- Nickel and all compounds
- Other (specify)
Metals and Metal Oxides | Specify: Other
Welding fumes
Ergonomics, Physical Workload, and Injury Related
- Awkward work postures (e.g. kneeling/squatting, elevated arms, neck flection, back bent forward without support)
- Physical work load (e.g. heavy lifting of people or objects, pushing/pulling)
- Repetitive work movements
- Sedentary work
- Standing work
- Work with video display units (VDU)
- Other (specify)
Ergonomics, Physical Workload, and Injury Related | Specify: Other
Hazards from other people
- By co-workers/colleagues
- By patients/clients/customers
Job task characteristics/organization of work
- Job control, autonomy
- Psychological job demands
- Role conflict/ambiguity/clarity
- Social support at work from supervisors
- Skill use opportunities
- Work engagement
- Other (specify)
Job task characteristics/organization of work | Specify: Other
Job insecurity; Esteem
Employment conditions
- Contract duration
- Job insecurity
- Low pay
- Work contract type (i.e. permanent, term-contract, subcontract, temporary)
Shift work
- Night (permanent or rotating)
Working hours
- Duration
- Regular/variable
Working hours | Other (specify)
Shift working; Working week-ends
Agents | Other (specify)
- Bituminous fumes
- Oil mist
- Sulphur dioxide
- Isocyanates
- Sociodemographic characteristics of working force (sex, age, foreigners, education)
- Employment situation (employer, self-employed, employee, familiar, other)
- Safety hazards (Falls; Collapses; Lacerations, puncture wounds; Crash; Struck by; Overexertion)
Occupation Axis
Coding system
Specify: Other
Spanish Classification of Occupations (CNO94), a national system based on ISCO88
Coding system (Number of digits used)
Industry Axis
Intensity categories/units
- Qualitative (specify cut-off points, if applicable)
- Quantitative (specify unit)
Data source(s)
- Expert assessment
- Self-reported data
- Other
Data source(s) | Other
- FINJEM exposure estimates (default values)
Studies to which the JEM has been applied: Texts
- Spanish breast cancer screening programmes
- MCC-Spain
Studies to which the JEM has been applied: Links
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29074552/
- https://oem.bmj.com/content/73/Suppl_1/A26.3.abstract
- https://oem.bmj.com/content/73/Suppl_1/A135.2
- https://ddd.uab.cat/record/201245?ln=es
- http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0213-91112015000400013
Relation with other JEMs
Availability | Other (specify)
See doi: 10.1002/ajim.22213
See doi: 10.1002/ajim.22213
Other remarks
Coding system (Number of digits used): between 1 and 4